Communications Committee

Greetings Family,

The Communications Committee has been busy.

The next Area newsletter will be published at the Pre-Conference Assembly in April. Please get your articles in to the Newsletter Editor. I have asked some of you for specific articles, I have repeatedly asked you all to submit an article on your own experience, strength, and hope especially regarding your involvement in service. Remember there will be a lot of new GSRs at the Pre-Conference Assembly that could benefit a great deal from what you have to share. Thank you in advance, and please submit them at least a week prior to the event.

We are looking at doing a redesign of the website, it’s been years that we’ve had the exact same look and feel. An e-mail was sent out to all of the Area Officers and Standing Committee Chairs to get their input, a final decision will be made by the Communications Committee when we meet again in March. Which will be held on the third Monday. Monday, March 17, 2008 because I will still be in Alaska on the second Monday in March. At that time we will be discussing the need to elect a new Alternate Webservant and to get a volunteer to coordinate the updating of the meeting list. It is all getting a bit overwhelming to do it all myself. So if you’re interested or know someone that is please invite them to the meeting in March. I will announce this again at the Pre-Conference Assembly.

We do have some really good news about the Spanish translations. District 12 has formed their own Communications Committee. Congratulations and thank you! I look forward to working with Rene and getting the agendas, minutes, motions, and reports translated and into District 12’s hands.

Thank you for allowing me to serve this incredible Fellowship!

Doug R.dr

Area 69 Communications Committee

Never be without a meeting schedule!

Using your mobile phone’s Internet access you can download sport scores, local and national news . . .

And now you can download Utah Area 69 meeting lists as well.

Never again be without a meeting schedule! You can search for meetings by City, Day, or Type.

Point your mobile phone’s Internet browser to , then select either City, Day or Type. Follow the prompts and you will end up with a list of Utah Area 69 A.A. meetings.

If you are interested in working with the Communications Committee
please let us know.

We would be glad to have you!!!


E-mail the Communications
and let us know where you would like to serve.

Check out the Sub-Committee pages:
Web Committee
Newsletter Committee
Translation Committee

The Communications Committee was established by a vote of the Utah Area 69 General Service Committee at the Fall Election Assembly held in Kanab Utah on September 23, 2006

“That the Area 69 Web Servant position and Newsletter Standing Chair position be joined to form a Communications Standing Chair position. Where the Communications Standing Chair would be the Area’s Web Servant / Newsletter Editor and would be responsible for three sub-committees; the Website Committee, the Newsletter Committee, and the Translation Committee.”

Guideline changes where also approved as part of this motion. See the original motion