Wed 26 Sep 2007
2007 Fall Assembly Archive’s Report
Posted by archivist under Archives
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Good Morning everyone,
I want to thank you for the defrayment to the National Archive Workshop. I was thrilled to see Lana, District 2 archivist there, but I was hoping that other archivists in our State would also be able to attend. The workshop was great. The archivist that for the past ten years Bob who has taught the “Preservation and Conservation Techniques” was unable to attend due to health issues and Gale the National Archive Workshop Archivist was not there due to an injure, both were missed.
There were 24 archivists from the Pacific region, representing 6 States.
Eighteen other states were represented and one archivist from Toronto, Canada.
68 total attended, about half of normal, it was felt that the attendance was down due to the problems with the web site lack of information.
Friday day was devoted to the “Preservation and Conservation Techniques”, three other gentleman filled in for Bob and did a great job.
Friday evening was the opening ceremony with the Arizona Delegate addressing us; following was a panel of long timers. They shared some wonderful memories, but seem to follow a common theme of how AA has grown, but is lacking the close family feeling of the early days.
Saturday morning had 4 panels; “What are Archives”, “Storage – Repositories” (my privilege to be a presenter), “Long Time Recollections” and “Disaster Recovery”
Saturday afternoon 1 panel, “Collections vs Archives: followed by a Presentation from the host committee.
Saturday evening, the banquet was followed by a wonderful presentation from Amy GSO archivist. She shared some personal information, then a slide presentation focusing on some of the history of AA. Part of the presentation was audio of Dr. Bob, Bill, Ebby and Neil the first world archivist. She had given a small portion of this presentation at the delegate conference. One that she shared was Bill disclosing the “dilemma and stigmatized worse than alcoholism” on page 142 in the 12 n 12 that had such a profound effect on Tradition 3.
Sunday morning was the business meeting and voting: 2009 Workshop will be held in Woodland Hills, CA., had reports, old business and voting on new business and additions to the Workshop guidelines, bidding procedures and web site issues.
I purchased 7 CD’s and brought back hard copies of the “Preservation and Conservation Techniques”.
Those areas that were close were emailed to bring small displays as the space was limited, if they choose to. I have on display here today the display I took, other than GSO’s portable display and Arizona display, was the only other one there. I had some very good feedback on our display board idea, our history book, also gave the history book away to an area just getting ready do their book.
I have 8 display boards in various stages of completion, I apologize that they are not ready to pass out today, but will have them at the Fall Workshop. We are still 4 short of having one for each of the areas where we want to place them.
Thanks again for the defrayment to the Workshop, I always come back feeling renewed with information, connecting with archivists I have gotten to know and making new acquaintances.
Thank you for letting me be of service to you.